This event is co-sponsored by the Tribeca Film Institute and the Department of Media Studies and Film at The New School. It is entitled: How to Make a Living as a Filmmaker or How to Make a Living and Still Be a Filmmaker. And it was filmed at the Wollman Hall, at the The New School for Social Research. it features a panel of several different filmmakers, including: Buboo Kakati, Moon Molson, Sandi DuBowski and Sharon Badal. We hope you enjoy it.

[quote author=»- Tribeca Film Institute»]You’ve completed your school work and made a few films in school, and now you need to figure out your next steps. What career options exist for filmmakers? How can you develop and raise money for a film project and still cover your living expenses? This panel addresses these questions and provides examples and answers relevant to all makers of film and other media.[/quote]

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Adrian Minde – evig nysgjerrig, historieforteller, gründer, skaper og internett-nerd. Heng deg med på min ferd! 🚀


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