We where cleaning out an old house over the weekend and we stumbled across this odd-looking thing, but we have no clue what it is.

I’ve asked my grand parents and even started a thread over at Reddit r/whatisthisthing, but I don’t think we’ve solved it yet.

Some of the suggestions so far are:

  • one of those things that you mount to a wall and peg notes on. The cover would protect anyone from getting poked.
  • candle holder
  • letter spike
  • a door knocker Edit: Now I see the needle, maybe a tool for putting holes in leather
  • hand towel holder
  • a thing being used for knitting. You put a ball of material on the needle and the lid holds it in place
  • portable sundial
  • easter eggs hollow machine

Got a clue? Head over to Reddit r/whatisthisthing, and giv us your suggestion.


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Adrian Minde – evig nysgjerrig, historieforteller, gründer, skaper og internett-nerd. Heng deg med på min ferd! 🚀


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