So, Google/Gmail launched a new email app for Android, iOS, and Google’s Chrome browser, some weeks ago. Reviewers have praised the app’s visual and product design, and I would agree. But I not sold on the «revolution» claims just yet. The app’s design is easy to use, fast, «minimalist, and lovely». And it has som automatic features that actually work. When the user logs in, Google scans the email account for important and similar information. It then presents what it considers the most important parts of the email first and groups similar emails as «Bundles» that are named by type (e.g., «Travel» or «Updates»).

It also converts physical addresses into Google Mapslinks and airline confirmation numbers into a flight status update. (I guess this is the start to better synchronization between the mail-app and new calendar-app.) Users can make custom Bundles as they would make Gmail filters, and can specify the time of day to show the Bundle. They can also organize emails with quick actions, such as swiping the screen to the right to archive a message, or swiping left to defer an email for another time. This «snooze» function works similar to that of the Mailbox app. The user can hold their finger on the screen to access bulk actions, like archiving, snoozing, or deleting emails in batches. Mail is displayed chronologically, with newest messages at the top. Emails can be pinned to the top of the screen as a Reminders to-do list.. In the bottom right corner of the screen, a red «compose» button shows recent contacts.. It does not support Google Apps for custom email domains.. Currently, an invitation is required to access this beta-only service. But if you’d like to try it out your self, I’ve got several invites. Just send me a message, and I’ll send you one.

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Skrevet av:

Adrian Minde, stolt pappa, filmskaper, lærer, gründer, mediepotet, teknologi-nerd, spurs-fan, skiboms, syklist, vagabond og internett-nerd. Heng deg med på min ferd.


  1. Phani Kumar november 17, 2014 at 11:12 am - Reply

    Hi Adrian, Nice to see you giving out invites of Inbox by Gmail. Please send me an invite to Thank you so much 🙂

  2. Adrian Minde november 17, 2014 at 3:57 pm - Reply

    Invitation sent. Have a nice day!

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