Commercial advertising photographer Tom Hussey photographed an award winning campaign for Novartis’ Exelon Patch, a prescription medicine for the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia. The highly conceptual photographs depicted an older person looking at the reflection of their younger self in a mirror.

«Sometimes we need photography to create a complex interplay between reality and illusion» – Tom Husse.

The concept of young people looking at their future selves in a mirror is a quite frequent motive of various stories. Thus avice versa concept approached by Tom Hussey is a novelty and creates a strong and inspirational statement. The photographer uses soft lightning, dim tones and eloquent surroundings in the pictures to create emotionally moving stories of people.

You can check out more of his photography on behance-profile og his personal website.


Novartis «Reflections» Campaign


[Via behance]

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