My big collection of movie resources, can be a bit heavy to jump right into, so I’ve also created a Short List (of Movie Resources) to get you started.
Where to find movie Information:
Everyone has heard of it, The Internet Movie Data Base is probably the largest, best resource for all things film and television. They include movies, actor bios, user reviews, trivia and so much more. It is entirely too easy to get lost in all that is IMDb.
Where to find movie Reviews:
Metacritic includes reviews from professional critics from all over the country making it the mother ship of movie and TV review sites.
Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Tomatoes is the place where you can put in your 2-movie-cents. You can read professional reviews, join the RT community, only read reviews from critics you agree with, watch trailers, read movie news and more. Besides, there is something cathartic about virtually throwing a tomato at a bad movie.
TopTenREVIEWS Movies
TopTenREVIEWS gathers rated expert and user reviews from across the internet calculating them into one master score and ranking them in order of best to worst for your convenience.
Where to find movie Trailers:
iTunes Movie Trailers
The sheer number of trailers available on this site is incredible and as a movie lover you don’t only love film, but film previews. iTunes Trailers has movie trailers from all the major studios and dozens of smaller one. You could spend days on this website and still never see it all.
This is a straightforward site which allows you to watch and download movie trailers in 480p, 720p and 1080p resolutions.
Where to find movie Scripts:
Drew’s Script-O-Rama
Drew’s Script-O-Rama has scripts from 3 Kings (multiple drafts) to Zulu Dawn and everything in between. It is a lot of fun to read the original script and see how it varies from the final movie product.
The Internet Movie Script Database is one of the biggest collections of movie scripts available anywhere on the web where you can read the scripts for all your favorite movies.
How to watch movies for free – legally:
On Entertainment Magazine On Line you can find legal downloads of classic movies for free.
Open Culture
This is a site that has listed over 500 quality films which you can watch online.
Public Domain Torrents
On this website, which hosts almost a thousand bittorrent files, you can download movies which have fallen into public domain.
How to discover movies you would probably enjoy:
This is a free service which maps out related movies based on your input. Just put in a film you enjoy, and it will show you films which are like it, and help you find and discover films you may enjoy.
How to help fund an indie film:
Movie Mogul Fund
This is a community-generated film fund which invites its members to select and back new filmmaking talent and claim their slice of the pie should that film become profitable.
How to quickly grab subtitles for your movies:
There are many sites to mention here, but Subdownloader is an elegant solution which can update all your movies within any given directory with subtitles at one go. It claims to be so fast it can plough through 27 GB movies in 7 seconds and get entire series seasons subtitles in less than 1 minute.
How to find out endings of films:
The movie spoiler
I don’t know why you would ever want to do this, but the site claims to be an excellent place which reveals the entire story from head to tail. Not only is it good for endings, it also helps you understand crucial bits in confusing films. It is also a great reason for walking out of films which are really bad – at least you know what happened in the end.
What movie resources do you use? Tell me in the comments!
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