One of the biggest american filmmakers of all time, Steven Spielberg, was diagnosed with dyslexia just a couple of years ago. “It explained a lot of things,” Spielberg told Quinn Bradlee (the interviewer), “It was like the last puzzle part in a tremendous mystery that I’ve kept to myself all these years.” Coming from the same background, I feel that I can relate to a lot of what he talks about.

Always two years behind the class in reading, Spielberg was teased by other kids in school. He dreaded having to read in front of the class. He never lacked for friends, though looking back on it several of his friends were probably also dyslexic.

“Even my own friends who were just like me, we didn’t have the skills to talk about it,” he recalled in the interview for Friends of Quinn, a site for people with learning differences. “I got bullied. I dealt with it by making movies. That was my cover up.”

[Read the full article over at]

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Adrian Minde, stolt pappa, filmskaper, lærer, gründer, mediepotet, teknologi-nerd, spurs-fan, skiboms, syklist, vagabond og internett-nerd. Heng deg med på min ferd.


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