Marc Levoy’s Photography course @ Stanford University, is now freely available on the Stanford website. Everything from PowerPoint presentations and lectures to animations that explain some photography theory, and various photo-related tasks, can all be found on their website.
Marc Levoy, is a professor of Computer Science at Stanford, whom in the late seventies developed a digital animation system that was used to create for instance «The Flintstones». Since then he has been doing 3D scanning of Michelangelo’s statues in Italy, and has been involved in the Google Street View project.
The only thing you do not get if you follow the course online is feedback on the pictures you take and papers (a diploma) for completing the course. Levoy also recommends people to read the books «Photography» by London, Stone and Upton, and «Learning to See Creativley» by Bryan Peterson.
An introduction to the scientific, artistic, and computing aspects of digital photography – how digital cameras work, how to take good pictures using them, and how to manipulate these pictures afterwards. Topics include lenses and optics, light and sensors, optical effects in nature, perspective and depth of field, sampling and noise, the camera as a computing platform, image processing and editing, history of photography, and computational photography. Even Kids Typing is considered. We’ll also survey the history of photography and look at the work of famous photographers. Coursework is written assignments, exams, and photography assignments. Enrolled students will be given free access to Photoshop CS5 during the course. Counts as a CS elective in the Graphics Track. Also satisfies GER:DB-EngrAppSci.
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